what is FM200

what is fm200

Protecting property and people against fire is one of the basic challenges in the industry and the fire-sensitive environment. Extinguishing gases are used to suppress the fire to minimize possible firefighting damages. One of these gases is FM200, which is used as a fire-extinguishing system in many industrial environments. FM200 is a fast extinguishing gas […]

Fire extinguishing AEROSOL


After the phase-out of halogen fire extinguishing systems in the 1990s due to environmental concerns, the demand for alternative extinguishing methods arose. The Aerosol fire extinguishing system emerged as one of the viable options in response to this demand and has been increasingly adopted in the market. Therefore, this article from Ganjineh Pavan explores the […]

The best server room fire suppression system and related considerations

data center

In recent decades, data centers have emerged as the epicenter of global information operations and technology. As the volume of data continues to rise and technology advances, these centers have become pivotal hubs for storing and processing sensitive information. Amidst this digital landscape, safeguarding these invaluable assets has risen to the forefront as a fundamental […]

Hot work hazards and methods of prevention and promotion of safety

Dangers of hot work and methods of prevention and promotion of safety

Hot work operations such as welding, cutting, soldering, and any activity involving open flames or excessive heat can create numerous health and safety hazards. These activities also carry the risk of industrial fires, which can be disastrous for your employees, business premises, and projects under construction. Wildfires cause death, injury, and hundreds of millions of […]

What is a smoke control management system, and how does it work?

What is a smoke control management system, and how does it work?

The goal of a smoke control management system (SCM) is to maintain a stable environment for building occupants, allow sufficient time for safe egress, and minimize property damage and work interruption. From Ganjineh Pavan’s articles, this article will examine what this system is and its working mechanisms. During the conceptual design of a building, balancing […]

FM200 system design principles and factors affecting it

FM200 system design principles and factors affecting it

We have already introduced the clean agent fire suppression system, of which FM200 is one, in Ganjineh Pavan‘s articles. Also, in another article, we examined the FM200 fire suppression system, its benefits and applications, and the method of installing the FM200 fire extinguishing system. Now, in this article from Ganjineh Pavan’s articles, we want to discuss […]

What is CE Mark and Certification?

What is CE Mark and Certification?

In the fire alarm and firefighting industry, there are various standards, approvals, and marks that specify equipment requirements, design and installation, testing, and maintenance. One of their most famous is the list of NFPA standards of the American Fire Protection Association and the European EN standard or LPCB certification, which are also accepted worldwide. The […]