FM200 system design principles and factors affecting it

fm200 suppression system

We have already introduced the clean agent fire suppression system, of which FM200 is one, in Ganjineh Pavan‘s articles. Also, in another article, we examined the FM200 fire suppression system, its benefits and applications, and the method of installing the FM200 fire extinguishing system. Now, in this article from Ganjineh Pavan’s articles, we want to discuss […]

What is CE Mark and Certification?

What is CE Mark and Certification?

In the fire alarm and firefighting industry, there are various standards, approvals, and marks that specify equipment requirements, design and installation, testing, and maintenance. One of their most famous is the list of NFPA standards of the American Fire Protection Association and the European EN standard or LPCB certification, which are also accepted worldwide. The […]


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